
Banana cubes with mint sauce

The favorite dish of our last potluck was this one! Emese and Ati prepared and brought it, thanks a lot!


5-6 bananas
karob powder
grated coconut
a bunch of mint leaves
2 tablespoon pine nuts

Make cubes of the bananas (cut off the two sides of the bananas, then alongside cut the four curves and from the middle cut little cubes).
Put the cubes into carob, the others in grated coconut. Then build a nice pyramid or any other building of them.
Put the remaining banana pieces into the blender with the mint leaves, pine nuts and blend until smooth. Put some water in it if it needed.


  1. This is such a beautiful and unique recipe...thanks for sharing!

  2. My kids (2 and 5) love to make coconut banana slices for snack, I'll have them make cubes next time, ils gonna be even cuter! Thank you for the great idea! It was my first visit on your blog, but I'll be back :)
